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Transformation de la culture

Thèse : Transformation de la culture. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Octobre 2014  •  Thèse  •  354 Mots (2 Pages)  •  556 Vues

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For many people , culture conversion from one to another is like asking to get rid of your roots. In the short story ,Why my mother can’t speak English was written by Gary Engkart. The author want to illustrate that many obstacle can make you avoid talking another language .The story is about a mother who arrived in Canada when she was forty years old .Since then she never learned English and pressure his son to help her get her citizenship for her own interest of preserving her goods and old age pension.The mother show that the barrier wich abstain her to learning English is first her cultural identity,second her husband and losing her son.

Accommodate your tradition into a new culture can eventually make you lost your initial one. One of the important reasons why she didn’t learn English is that she fears of losing her Chinese soul or personal identity. In fact, women who learned the fan gwei ways won’t be Chinese women any more “and they certainly won’t be white either” say’s her husband. Since the husband knew the fan gwei country, the mother believed he’s words and as a leader, the other husbands did the same with their wives. Furthermore, she kept doing almost everything that was fan gwei. For instance, she always converts the months and days into Chinese lunar calendar. This reveals clearly the fear that she has towards Canadian culture.

Learning is a matter of personal choice. Secondly, her husband was jealous and he wouldn’t let her learn English for fear that she would leave him for another man. She begged him for leaning but he would ignore her pleas but telling her many different reasons like: “English is far too complicated for you”. In addition, her husband was a restaurant owner, she worked for twenty-five years and she never had the opportunity to learn English outside because she couldn’t go anywhere by herself since she depend on him. This show that her husband’s control her desire to learn English was a main problem of learning the language.

3. For many culture, adopting new custom could be a scarcity.


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