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The way up to heaven

Cours : The way up to heaven. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Septembre 2018  •  Cours  •  503 Mots (3 Pages)  •  596 Vues

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The Way up to Heaven

Mrs. Foster returned home for the night due to the fog that postponed the plane. When she arrived home, her husband tells her that he ordered a car for the morning at 9 o’clock. He also asked to drop him off at the club downtown. Mrs Foster was reluctant but accepted anyway. The next morning, Mrs Foster was up early and ready to go, however her husband arrived shortly after 9 o’clock. Before they get going, Mr Foster had to get a few cigars, before entering the car, he slowly went down the stairs, taking his time by examining the weather. In the car he realizes that he had forgotten his present for his daughter and returned to the house to find it. Mrs. Foster then spotted the gift wrapped in a white paper and decides to fetch her husband. When she was in front of the door, she froze for a while and listened the sounds that came from deep within the house. At this moment she turned away and decided to go to the airport without dropping off her husband. She barely arrived on time and took the plane to Paris. During the flight, she had a strange sense of calmness. When she arrived, she was pleased to see her grandchildren and every Tuesday, she wrote a letter to her husband. After 6 weeks she had to return to New York, everyone was sad except her. She felt that she would return shortly. Back to New York, she went home with a cab and rung the doorbell of her house several. Despite the ringing, no one answered. She opened the door and discover the pile of mail that was in front of the door. She went to investigate the house and she soon had a glimmer of satisfaction in her face. After a quick pause, she quickly picked up a phone and called the repairman as there was someone stuck in the elevator.

Mrs. Foster’s evil side.

Up until now, we believe that Mrs Foster is a nice and loyal wife. In page 84 line 33, we can see that even though it’s bothering her, she still decides to drop him off, knowing full well that he’ll take his time like always. Later, we see that when she went to fetch her husband, she stopped at the front of the door and listened to sounds deep inside the house and heard a repetitive sound (p87 l 22). She ignores it and prioritize her flight. During this flight, we see at p88 l18 that there’s a change in Mrs Foster’s behaviour. She is calm and somehow freed from her phobia. With this line p89 l3 and p89 l28, we can deduce that she was, in a way, aware of the death of her husband, but she didn’t feel an ounce of guilt or surprise, which shows us that she finds it completely normal. We can conclude that we were deceived by her nice and pitiful act.


To conclude, we can compare


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