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The Materializer

Dissertations Gratuits : The Materializer. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Janvier 2014  •  369 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 545 Vues

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Ned enlarged the Receiver and prepared for his greatest experiment. He switched on the Materializer, took a deep breath and said…

“What is the answer to the question : How to find Love ?” he whispered timidly in the microphone, as he feared that someone could hear him.

There was another whirring sound.

A piece of paper appeared in the Receiver, Ned took it and read the message given by the Materializer : “Stop talking to a machine and go out instead of staying in your dark laboratory”

Ned was shocked. Was there a bug somewhere ? Ned needed to test his machine :

“What is the answer to the question : How to be happy ?”

Once again, the whirring sound appeared. And once again, a piece of paper with an unbelievable speech from the computer : “What are you babbling about ? I’m a machine, how could I know ? Stop asking yourself stupid questions and you’ll be happy”

Ned grumbled. Decidedly The Materializer was not really good at answering question.

Whatever, he had a second plan. If he couldn’t be happy, at least he will succeed to make everyone happier.

“All right computer, it was very funny, but listen to me, I need a big bag with a lot of presents. Tonight, each and every person living on this planet will be happy”

The whirring sound didn’t even had the time to appear when a huge bag was materialized in the Receiver. The Materializer was better at creating things than at answering questions.

“Now, I need a mean of transport, make something original” he said proudly, convinced that tonight he would change the world.

A sleigh pulled by reindeer appeared in the laboratory.

“Well, that’s not a bad idea with this weather” Ned said, looking by the window the snow falling gently.

“With a mission like that, I need a costume, give me something warm”

The materialization of a box in the Receiver followed the whirring sound. Ned opened it and discovered a big red and white fluffy costume. Ned rode his sleigh and made the reindeer move forward.

Ned had a lot to learn, but tonight he had found out that what would truly make him happy, was actually to make everyone else happy.

We’re December 24th, and Santa’s born.

330 words


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