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The Legalization of Marijuana Should Be Reconsidered

Guide pratique : The Legalization of Marijuana Should Be Reconsidered. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Octobre 2020  •  Guide pratique  •  486 Mots (2 Pages)  •  305 Vues

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The Legalization of Marijuana Should Be Reconsidered

On October 17, 2018, a very big decision was made, Canada decides to legalize cannabis. The government then established laws to control the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis across Canada. However, this plant has always been considered an illegal drug for the simple reason of the danger it could represent for humans. But since that day, many Canadians are using this harmful substance without thinking about the impact it has on them. That is why it is imperative to reconsider the decision of Justin Trudeau before it makes any more damage.

Marijuana has harmful effects on the mental health of consumers. First, this drug can develop psychic dependence for smokers. However, young people remain the most exposed to this addiction. In fact, people who started using cannabis in their teens have a 17% chance of developing some form of addiction. In other words, the risk of having an addiction is almost twice as high in young people as in the general population. Additionally, cannabis use can lead to depression. In fact, McGill’s researchers noted that cannabis users were more affected than others by depression, suicidal ideation, and that they attempted suicide more. To explain this, the depressive state and the dark thoughts of some Canadian consumers would be related to this drug which has been legalized for about two years.

In addition, marijuana is harmful to physical health. This, under heavy consumption, can impact the brain in long-term. In fact, researchers in California did a study and found a drop of more than 10% of the blood supply to the brain in cannabis smokers. To expound on this, marijuana can have serious neurological impacts due to the fact that it slows the flow of blood to the brain. What is more, this drug has a big effect on the respiratory system. Indeed, according to a survey conducted on the impact of marijuana use on the health of these consumers. This showed that they have a higher risk of hospitalization for a respiratory problem than non-smokers. To clarify this, cannabis smokers are more likely to experience breathing problems than non-users.

In the synopsis, the legalization of marijuana should be reconsidered. First, Canadians who use this drug may experience major mental health issues such as addiction, depression, and suicidal ideation in their lifetime. Secondly, cannabis is very damaging to the physical health of the smoker as it can have a long-term impact on the brain and the respiratory system. It is true that Canadians may not have health problems in the beginning. However, if the consumption drugs do not stop, it can have big consequences in the long-term.

- Volkow et al.  Adverse health effects of marijuana use. New England Journal of Medicine 370(23): 2219–27.


- -hippocampe

-Polen MR, Sidney S, Tekawa IS, et al. Health care use by frequent marijuana smokers who do not smoke tobacco. West J Med 1993 ;


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