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The Heroes

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Par   •  28 Avril 2013  •  635 Mots (3 Pages)  •  932 Vues

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Mythes et héros

My theme is myth and hero, my problem is how heroes affect our daily lives?

We studied in class several documents.

First time I will talk about the image of Petar entitled "dream land". The goal of this cartoon is to give us an idealized vision of America, These icons all illustrate the American dream, the opportunity for everybody for work and you are free. But I think these images do not necessarily give us a true picture of America today.

In a second time I would like you talk about Oprah Winfrey , I think she symbolize the American dream because we must bear in mind That she started from scratch and thanks to hard work. She's climbed up the social ladder. We can say that this is a rags to riches story!

In conclusion a hero is a person we admire for his nobles qualities and great courage but if we get inspiration and do from iconic figures in the end we must face reality and do our best to make our dreams came true.

Spaces and exchanges

My theme is myth and hero, my problem is why do immigrants choose to settle in the USA? We studied in class several documents.

First time I will talk about the document "I am undocumented immigrant." this is the story of Jose Vargas

He was born in Philippines at the age of 12, he was sent to San Francisco with his mother because they wanted to live the American dream. Jose has received a false green card but that did not deter Jose to become a journalist. He decided to reveal the truth because he wanted to show other immigrants that it was possible to succeed in America.

In a second time I would like you talk about the text “hablas espanol”, this text shows that some people are worried that the US might become a nation split by language. The Hispanics could also be excluded and trapped in economically disadvantaged areas. The only situation is for the young generation to learn English.

Finally, I would like to tell you about Ellis Island, a small island situated in the bay o New York. From 1892 to 1954 this island has become the main entrance of immigrants who arrived in the United States. When 10 million people pant every day through this island. The immigrants spend medical test to enter the U.S.A.

Today Ellis Island has become a museum.

In conclusion, the immigrants came from Europe and Asia in the hope of finding a job, assured the education of children and good living conditions.

Notion of progress

My theme is Notion of progress, my problem is” What are the effects of progress on the functioning of societies? “

We studied in class several documents.

First time I will talk about the document “Help” this cartoon shows 2 characters: a father who’s reading a book about computer instruction while his child is busy working on his computer. The cartoonist goal is to illustrate the digital gap between generations.

In a second time I would like speak about Steve Jobs speech, he was an American engineer has life easier for the people with computer


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