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Synthese Place Forms Of Power

Recherche de Documents : Synthese Place Forms Of Power. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Mai 2015  •  233 Mots (1 Pages)  •  847 Vues

Power is the ability to control others, to influence people's behaviour, to make thing happen despite obstacles, resistance and opposition. Even when authority seems absolute there were many people in history who decided to fight against it. And to make value their ideal or rights .

I choose to talk about the fight about legal rights for blacks people in the world and how people from different culture achieve to live together in harmony .

the establishment of Apartheid in south Africa. It was set by the National Party, which won the election in 1948. It led to a brutally codified segregation where Blacks, Asians, Coloured persons and Whites were separated. 

Many blacks were packed in township such as soweto and didn't have the right to go in the same places as the withes. The separation worked everywhere in bus shcool bars etc...mandela was a lawyer at this time He quickly became the enemy of the government, because he became one of the leader of ANC in 1943 an organisation who faught against the whites domination on blacks peoples. Despite he turned to more violent acts at a certain period of his political commitment, he always believed that the non-violence was the appropriate answer to discrimination. He was put in jail for 27 years , but he never betrayed his ideal even when the white government offered him to negotiate his freedom.


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