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Stranger On A Train

Mémoires Gratuits : Stranger On A Train. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Février 2014  •  227 Mots (1 Pages)  •  651 Vues

Strangers on a Train is a taut crime thriller. An American

architect, Guy Haines, is on his way to his home town to

meet his wife, Miriam. On the train, he has dinner with

a rich young man, Charles Bruno, who becomes drunk,

tells him that he hates his father, and suggests that he

should murder Miriam, who Guy doesn’t love any more

and wants to divorce, and Guy should murder his father,

who refuses to give him money. This would be the perfect

murder. Guy resolves never to see Bruno again, but Bruno

is mad, looks for Miriam and murders her.

Guy tries to live a normal life with his new fiancée,

Anne. But Bruno threatens to tell the police that Guy

paid him to kill Miriam unless Guy kills his father. Guy

feels trapped in the situation and finally breaks down

and murders Bruno’s father. From this point on Guy is

haunted by terrible guilt. He feels that he is split into two

men. He hates Bruno, but at the same time feels a close

and terrible bond with him.

Meanwhile, a detective, Arthur Gerard, is on the trail of

Bruno and Guy. By now, Bruno is a friend of Anne’s. They

go sailing and Bruno, drunk as usual, falls into the sea and

drowns. Guy feels terribly lonely. He has lost ‘his brother’.

He visits the man who was Miriam’s lover and confesses

the story of the murders. Unknown to him, Gerard is

listening. ‘Take me,’ says Guy


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