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Spaces Ans Exchanges

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Spaces Ans Exchanges. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Mai 2015  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  355 Mots (2 Pages)  •  680 Vues

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I am going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges.

Spaces an exchanges can be defined as an act of giving or receiving something in substitude for something else. In a geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy.

In class, we spoke about Canada, we essentially evoked the spaces and we first studied texts and maps about the size of population of Canada and the climate.

And we can explain why most Canadians live on the southern border ?

First of all, one of the articles we studied in class illustrated that the population of Canada doesn't correspond to the size of Canada. Canada is the second largest country in the world but as far its population is concerned, it ranks 33 rd. Canada is unique because most of the population live on the U. S. Canada border, not many Canadians live in the north. In fact, in 2006, nearly 2/3 of Canada' s population lived within 200 kilometres of the United States border. So on only 4 % of the total area of Canada. The largest cities are located on the southern border.

One reason why more people live on the border is that it is easier for exchanges with America. But there is another reason. The extreme climate of Canada makes it difficult to live in the North. Indeed, the average temperature in Canada over a year can vary, between minus sixteen and twenty seven degrees Celsius. What's more the difference in extreme temperatures is even greater in the north. In winter, temperatures can drop as low as minus forty degrees. In class, we studied a picture of an Inuit who must be a dog musher. He is standing in front of his igloo. The sledge dogs are lying outside the igloo.

To conclude, we can say that Canada is a very interesting country because its territory is very big. But, the population is affected by the climate. If I live in Canada, I would prefer to live in the south on U.S. border because there are more people and the climate is better.


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