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Spaces And Exchanges

Mémoire : Spaces And Exchanges. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Mai 2015  •  838 Mots (4 Pages)  •  809 Vues

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Spaces refer to countries, foreign countries, homeland and borders. Exchanges imply the idea of movement, circulation of people, services, goods or trade around the world. This notion deals with the cultural, economic, sociogical and human interaction around the world. This is the globalization.

We can wonder what are the advantages and the drawbacks of the mobility abroad and what is the problem of integration and assimilation.

First, I am going to deal with the student mobility. Then I will study immigration and finally, I will talk about outsourcing as a compromise.

First of all, there are different means of student mobility. In fact, students can do a gap year. It is a humanitarian actions, volunteering and charities. A gap year allowed a way to improve our CV, to gain relevant work experience, living life to the full and realising that there is a world of opportunity. If the student is doing volunteering, he spend time without being paid, he offers his help to others or environnement. Contrary to the past travelling isn't so expensive nowadays and a gap year isn't aimed to wealthy people. In fact, thanks to the Internet, we can find cheap flights to travel like low-cost companies.There are others ways to travel as a student, for example students can do the Erasmus generation. More than one million students have already taken part in it. This project permitted students spends between 3 months and a full academic year abroad. Travelling abroad is advantageous because students don't have to pay tuition costs for their host university, this allow to students to discover others cultures, meet new people, to have a personal enrichment etc.. In contrast, there are some difficulties for the student travelling abroad : they can have some difficulties with the language, with the new culture, they can feel homesick... Nevertheless, we can't avoid the fact that living in an other country is a really great experience for our future, for our language speaking and for our personal growing.

But on the other hand, many people immigrate in anglo-saxon countries. Indeed, The inhabitants of the former countries colonized by England are migrating to England, so as to have a better life. Yet, they are difficulties in integrating because they have a different culture. For exemple, in an extract from Monica Ali in « Brick Lane », the characters are immigrants from Bangladesh. They are living in London and the sons of immigrants are copying the British way of life where young british get drunk very ofter. Except that it is prohibitted in their culture. It is a problem for them because they have not been educated to cope with the situation, they are muslims and they don't supposed to drink alcohol. Accordingly, they want to leave Britain, to go back in Bengladesh before his children are afflicted by the British way of life which can be negative for them. They can have the « Going Home Syndrome ». Here, there is a problem of integration, because 2 cultures are differents from each other, the culture gap becomes too important and some immigrants cannot assimilate the culture of the new country. They have problem to integrate into their new country because they feel torn between two countries. If they want to go back home, they don't adapt to the new culture, they recreate their community so they live together


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