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Space And Exchange

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Par   •  25 Avril 2015  •  614 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 277 Vues

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I am going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges . First of all I would like to give definition of this notion: space is limited by borders. Borders define the space. However, the borders are not permanent and impenetrable.Space can be both physical and virtual: a human body, a house, a city, a country .... Virtual space is possible thanks to Internet which allows to crosss physical or geographical borders and to reach quickly other spaces around the world. When space opens up to another space there is communication and then exchanges can be possible. Exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. See globalization is a process of interaction and integration among people,companies and goverments to different nations.A process driven by international trade and investment aided by new technology. To illustrate this I have chosen two documents Nightmarks Thomas L.Friedman extract from The flat world of P152 and another extract of the flat world, why should I go to Thomas L.Friedman America? p 153. I have chosen these documents because it's a good illsustration of the notion of spaces and exchanges.

First The first document that I have chosen is the extract from The Flat World, Nightawks Thomas L.Friedman. . This is a letter written by the draft law Brody. The narrator explains a new trend in medicine: American radiologists are outsourcing their work to India and Australia. Since using teleradiology, they can have their analyzes read by Indian or Australian doctors when they do not have enough staff. They resort to outsourcing when it is night in the United States. They will have a faster diagnosis, most doctors do not have to work at night, and the hospital can reduce costs and save money. As for the Australian and Indian doctors, they also have a fair share of these exchanges. It's a win-win relationship. The narrator insists that only if every doctor has the same degree. This should lead to norrmalisation education. In this paper, globalization has been very positive because it allows everyone to have a better life. We generally have a negative image of globalization when rich companies take advantage of the poor in developing countries and when they lower their living conditions.

Then the last document that I chose is another extract from The Flat World, Why should I go to America? Thomas L.Friedman. The narrator says that outsourcing is a challenge. He claims that the Indians are poor .Moreover they prefer to stay working in India going to work in America because it is hard for them to leave their family, friends, food and culture. Then there is a director of 24/7 staff who explains his travels and the working conditions. The narrator emphasizes the fact what most of India's goods and services from the United States.

So both texts are interesting and relevant illustrations of the concept of space and exchange, because it shows how globalization has changed our world. Also the first text illustrates the exchanges since doctors from different countries (India, Australia, USA) .The works together last text highlights exports so the exchange of good and services between India and the United UNite. There is a link between the two documents is globalization.

To conclude I really enjoyed reading those documents, because the first text gave a positive image of globalization while in general it has a negative image and because in the second text it seems


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