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Serial Bad Weddings

Rapports de Stage : Serial Bad Weddings. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Novembre 2014  •  663 Mots (3 Pages)  •  722 Vues

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Serial (bad) weddings (Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon Dieu ?)

The movie I would like to present (you) is a French comedy called “Serial (bad) weddings”. This movie was directed by Philipe de Chauveron, in 2014. I have seen this film last summer in French cinema, and following its huge success in France, it was (diffused/came out) in the USA, the Netherlands and Germany.

This film is about the life of a noble and catholic French family, and most of all about the life of their the four daughters: Isabelle, Ségolène, Odile and Laure. The beginning of the film shows the wedding of Isabelle, the elder sister, who is going to marry Rachid Ben Assem, a Muslim Arab. Then we watch the weddings of Ségolène, and Odile, respectively married with David Benichou, a Jew, and Chao Ling, a Chinese (man).

Those three weddings are a disaster for Claude and Marie, the parents. They have always wanted their girls to get married with Caucasian and Catholic men. They are abashed. Their last hope is their youngest girl, Laure. After all those “awful” weddings, they are decided to work so that Laure finds a “good” husband. They often say “In all likelihood, there still is (a few) some probability that the fourth girl could not be able to find a Caucasian husband”. Therefore/Thus Marie and Claude then organized diners with the neighbourhood and friends, in which they deeply hope that their daughter will find a husband. Laure is easy-going, but does not dare to say anything.

One week later, it is the Christmas diner, where all the sisters and sons-in-law are invited. Marie implores Claude to avoid all the sensible subjects such as burka, Israel, Dalaï-Lama… The meal goes well, parents make efforts, when suddenly, David, Rachid and Chao, who cannot bear themselves each other begin to say insults. Swearing-words and nicknames like Jackie Chan, Kadhafi, Enrico Macias are claimed. Claude says “You can see, I am not the only racist here, we all have a little part of racism!”. Abruptly, Laure stands up and says she has a wonderful news: she has found a husband! An uncut silence takes (concordance des temps, tu racontes au present) place, and the father asks “Is he Catholic?” After an awkward smile, she answers yes/positively. And it is an explosion of joy. Besides, the name of the future husband is Charles, a good French name indeed! Everybody is really happy.

Few weeks later, Laure is about to present Charles to her parents. She is a bit stressed and Charles is even more. They have to meet themselves in a restaurant. Claude and Marie are already in the restaurant yet, waiting to see their future son-in-law. But when Charles and Laure make their entry in the restaurants, Charles and Marie are aggrieved. Laure forgot to say that Charles was black! How did she dare! The father of Laure is distressed and does not make efforts.

The day of the wedding, everybody is here and happy for the young couple. Everybody except the father of Charles, and the father of Laure. After a big dispute, Charles and Laure decide to put their fathers out of the wedding, and claim that they could come back only when they will be calmed down. But they never came back. The night was horrible for the rest of the family, when on the morning, the telephone rings… It is the police announcing that Pascal (father of Charles) and Claude are in jail. Charles and the three others boys jumped


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