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Résumé en anglais du film Forrest Gump de Robert Zemeckis

Commentaires Composés : Résumé en anglais du film Forrest Gump de Robert Zemeckis. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Janvier 2013  •  312 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 632 Vues

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Staying on a banch in the street, Forrest Gump is telling is life to passengers …

Forrest has a low IQ and had a handicap to his legs. Because of that, at school peoples laugh of him. On ly Jenny Curran is kind to him. One day, Forrest is purschased by bad boys, during this course his handicap is left and Forrest discoevered he is very good at running. This capacity permits him to play in football team and to meets the President Kennedy. Jenny wants to be a folk singer as Joan Baez and sings in bad bars. Forrest is drafted into the army and goes to fight in the Vietnam War. He fights under the orders of Lieutenant Dan Taylor and he meets Booba who becomes his friend, and who persuads him to works into the shrimp fishing at the end of the war. Booba dies during the war, Forrest receives a bullet in the buttocks and Lieutenant has a wheeling chair, he losts his two legs and he is angry with FG because he has saved his life, however he wanted to die like a hero. Forrest learns to play ping pong and becomes a '' champion''. He sees Jenny in pacifist demonstration, but she returns immediately with her husband in San Fransisco. Then Forrest works in shrimp fishing with lieutenant Dan, they becomes millionnaire. When he returns to see his mother, she dies but he finds Jenny who is drug-addict and who has suicidal tendencies. Se has a love night with Forrest before to leave again. So, Forrest runs away during 3 years in America, A lot of people run with him because he is ''a messie''. When he returns to his house Jenny comes to him, and presents to him a boy. He's his child, also named Forrest, but Jenny die of disease soon after.


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