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Résumé Frankenstein 4 Lettres

Rapports de Stage : Résumé Frankenstein 4 Lettres. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Septembre 2014  •  274 Mots (2 Pages)  •  998 Vues

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Robert Walton, a 28-years-old sea captain embark on a journey to the North Pole region in order to find a passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic. He writes the ltters to his sister, Mrs Saville, in London. This expedition is a dream ! Other dreams, such as becoming a poet or a playwright have not worked out.As he prepares for voyage, he is worried that he has no friend who will be able to sustain his disappointment should the dream not work out. He admit this is an emotional need. Unfortunately he does not connect at all with the other sailors, even though he likes a lot his lieutenant and the ship's master. He his very excited for his journey. When the voyage begin, things are going well. But a strange thing happens. In the middle of the ocean, they see a sleigh pulled by dogs with a large figure who drive. He disappears. The next day, another sleigh, on the brink of destruction, appears in the middle of the ice. This time, this is a normal man. The foreign demand to get on the boat. He is frozen and extremely tired. When the man, Frankenstein, recovered, Walton asked why he was in this situation in the middle of the océan.Frankenstein replied that he was looking for someone who had fled. It was apparently the huge creature that Walton and his crew had seen on the sled. The man was very sad and Walton began to spend much time with him. Walton tells him he is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of knowledge. Frankenstein decides to tell her a big secret.


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