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Reviews on sites about animal research

Commentaire d'arrêt : Reviews on sites about animal research. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Mars 2021  •  Commentaire d'arrêt  •  517 Mots (3 Pages)  •  395 Vues

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Speaking exercise – poster animal research – links articles


This site is pro animal research. It gives good arguments about why animal research is necessary. They also care about the animals wellfare with the 3 R’s and the alternatives. However they barely talk about how the animals are treated and you don’t really see the arguments why animal research isn’t good.

This site is subjective and doesn’t inform you about the cons of animal testing and in what cruel circumstances they could be living. However they give amazing arguments about why animal research is necessary but also how it is so important to research for different alternatives. I think this site is very reliable because they use facts. You can also see on the end that they used a lot of resources to form this document. However it’s a very long article with a lot of info, which could be overwhelming.


In my opinion, this is a excellent website. It is very organized and it’s objective. They give the pro’s and cons of very interesting questions. What I miss here is that it doesn’t give that much information about the different alternatives.


This website is very subjective and because of that more unreliable. When you debate on a subject, you have to be given different opinions so you can see the full picture. Here they give a lot of useful arguments against animal testing but don’t give alternatives, how the animals should be treated and the pro’s of animal testing.  


This site is pretty good. It’s objective, reliable and very organised hence it’s easy to read. It’s gives you a lot of pro’s and cons with explanation. They also talked about the different alternatives. Apart from that, they don’t talk about the 3R’s which I think is necessary and their layout isn’t the best ( there are no photos,…)

6 (p11-15)

This website is outstanding. It’s objective and they talk about everything you need to know about animal testing: 3 R’s, the alternatives, the pro’s and cons , extra information,… I think it’s sometimes a bit overwhelming because it’s a long article. They sometimes talk about things who aren’t as necessary. It’s very well structured with some photos and easy to read because they don’t use to many hard words.


It’s objective, clear, structured and easy to read. It gives a good amount of information about the pro’s and cons of animal testing and the 3 R’s. However they don’t really talk enough about the alternatives. The layout isn’t that appealing (only 1 photo,…).


They talk about the 3R’s and the alternatives but barely about the pro’s and cons. It’s a long, hard to read, not appealing and not very well structured article.


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