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Resumé Bel Ami Chapitre 1 Partie 1

Dissertations Gratuits : Resumé Bel Ami Chapitre 1 Partie 1. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Mai 2013  •  205 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 496 Vues

We are going to present the forest in the northern countries such as Canada, the USA and Great Britain.

It is different from the rainforest because the climate is colder than the climate of the rainforest.

As for the rainforest, the climate is warmer.

In the northern countries we can find pine trees, mushrooms and ivy whereas in the rainforest there grow fruit trees, mahogany trees, moreover there are rivers and waterfalls.

Concerning the animals in the rainforest we can see lizards, snakes, iguanas and little birds.

In the northern forest the birds are bigger and wilder, there are also wild animals such as wolves, bears and owls.

Unfortunately, the northern forest is threatened by deforestation, chemical pollution and hunting.

It is also threatened by natural disasters such as tornadoes and forest fires.

The effects of pollution causes acid rains on forest. The acidity of lakes prevents the normal development of the species and the vegetables. The flora is weakened and resists less well the diseases and the rigorous winters.

The flora is weakened and less resistant to diseases and harsh winters. The soils are acidic and poison the trees, they weaken them and can kill them.

The base of the food chain is also affected, and all the animals that depend.


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