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Red Bull's Billionaire Maniac

Commentaires Composés : Red Bull's Billionaire Maniac. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Juin 2014  •  388 Mots (2 Pages)  •  4 125 Vues

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This document is a press article from Business Week magazine, published on the 19th of May 2011. It is entitled “Red Bull’s billionaire maniac”. The document leads us to ask if be placed in media can it increase the turnover of a company? It will be interesting in a first part to deals with the inconvenient for a company to be placed in media, and in a second part to point out the advantages for a company to be placed in media.

Want to publicize its activity at any cost may be a risk if you are not a minimum prepared. Indeed, it may damage your reputation by a bad media performance. Plus, this can conduce to an erroneous communication. For exemple, some of your words can be analyzed, interpreted in a negative way. You would find yourselves then in the heart of a media storm.

Want to publicize its activity at any cost may to be a way to improve the turnover of the company. Indeed, it can lead on the implanting of your business in the competitive landscape. Moreover, it allows you to establish an image of expert, specialist of your business sector. We would not mention you if you did not matter among the best, the most reliable, or the most successful. Plus, it can increase the scope of your messages and reach far impenetrable spheres. The last but not least, a successful media pass allows you to not only get you noticed by the journalistic world and therefore opportunities to take the floor, maid as you make a name in your market just like Dietrich Mateschitz, which represent the world of energetic drinks.

By way of conclusion, we can say that be placed in media for a company can conduce on inconvenient but also advantages. But is it possible for a company to success without any place in the media?


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