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Pourquoi les gens veulent-ils posséder des armes et est-ce nécessaire? (document en anglais)

Commentaires Composés : Pourquoi les gens veulent-ils posséder des armes et est-ce nécessaire? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Mai 2013  •  349 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 050 Vues

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Why Do People Want To Own Guns , and is it necessary ?

Introduction :

Americans are bombarded with contradictory statistics about guns. The only certainty is that guns kill.A common reason for keeping a gun at home is self-defense against intruders. The danger is real : guns were used 1.5 million times in selfdefense in 1994. But a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder.

Statistics on guns are very contradictory , economic factors are rarely quoted in gun statistics.

Over 14 million guns are sold every year in the USA. As a result, America's gun-related murder and suicide rates are very high compared to those in Europe. The right to own guns is protected by the US Constitution, but some Americans would like tighter gun-control laws.

Reasons :

Self-Defense : With the menace of violent crime in mind, many people choose to arm themselves in an effort to stay safe and/or to keep their families safe

Hunting :

Some people hunt for sport , others hunt out of necessity for food

Sport Shooting

People who participate in shooting sports generally own guns for fun.


There are some gun owners who amass beautiful weapons with historical or personal significance but who have absolutely no desire to use the guns.

Exercising a Right

Some people own guns simply to exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms. this is a common reason for gun ownership and many owners will say that the best way to keep a right is to exercise it.

In any case, it is a decision that is not to be taken lightly because with the right of gun ownership, comes a lot of responsibility.

Conclusion : I’m stongly nelieve against owning a gun , why ? because the usa doesn’t have the lowest crimerate in the world and in a family the children are attrack by arms . every year , thousands of children die in accident involving guns in their own home.

It’s not necessary to protect oneself .

This amendement has been wright there are two thousand years ago and today it isn’t necessary !


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