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Pop Art Movement

Note de Recherches : Pop Art Movement. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Avril 2014  •  449 Mots (2 Pages)  •  602 Vues

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Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and in the late 1950s in the United States. Pop art presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture such as advertising, news, etc. In pop art, material is sometimes visually removed from its known context, isolated, and/or combined with unrelated mate Pop art employs aspects of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane cultural objects. It is widely interpreted as a reaction to the then-dominant ideas of abstract expressionism, as well as an expansion upon them. The concept of pop art refers not as much to the art itself as to the attitudes that led to it.

Later on, the movement becomes famous with Andy Warhol and Jasper John. Andy Warhol was born in 1928 and died in 1987. It was an American artist and one of the most famous artists of the twentieth century. He was deeply in love with Marilyn Monroe in the years 1950-1955, moreover, who inspires him in his future works. Warhol decided to represent not to make her more beautiful, but to show that it is a consumer product like any other. We must therefore show the object as you would find a picture in an advertising leaflet with coarse colors and without finesse. The image of a star as Marilyn Monroe becomes something mundane but essential advertising needs to be replicated repeatedly, as in the pages of a magazine printed in thousands of copies or as simple patterns that are repeated in the manner of wallpaper. It is also for this reason that Marilyn "Pop" is reproduced by the technique of screen printing, rapid, simple and refined. Everything must be consumed quickly, everything becomes disposable and unimportant. American values were altered and so Warhol saw a chance to highlight how easily people are influenced by the media and pop culture. He used many aspects of the new cultural society to create his artwork.

Warhol created his pieces by discovering what was popular, what stood out in modern art, and also something with standard American values. Warhol also took everyday objects and turned them into pop art sensations. Warhol used to identify the nature of the great American society, anonymous and consumerist, devoted to conformism and with a pride of unanimity, was the ubiquitous Coca Cola bottle. It coincided with the globalization of pop music and youth culture, personified by Elvis and the Beatles. Pop Art was brash, young and fun and hostile to the artistic establishment. It included different styles of painting and sculpture from various countries, but what they all had in common was an interest in mass-media, mass-production and mass-culture.


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