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Pharal Verbes Rules

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Par   •  20 Mai 2013  •  307 Mots (2 Pages)  •  765 Vues

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Prepositions After Verbs and Adjectives

1 - About

The following verbs and adjectives take about to indicate subject matter.


argue quarrel angry nervous

ask read annoyed pleased

care speak anxious sad

complain talk certain sorry

dream tell concerned surprised

forget think curious worried

hear worry excited wrong

know write glad


What did you dream about last night?

Don't forget about the party Saturday night!

We are glad about the election results.

I am nervous about the test.

2 - At


aim grin shout yell

glance laugh smile

glare look stare

The following verbs take at to indicate direction.

What are you looking at?

I had time only to glance at the report.

The archer aimed at the target.

Everyone laughed at her when she slipped on the banana peel.


fail succeed bad quick

expert slow


The following verbs and adjectives take at to indicate aptitude or expertise.

You are bound to succeed at anything you try.

He is expert at chess.

3 - Against

After a verb against often indicates opposition.


advise discriminate march vote

argue fight protect warn

I would advise against going out in this weather.

It is illegal to discriminate against women, seniors, and people of color.

Sunscreen will protect you against harmful ultraviolet rays.

4 - For



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