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Pearls of tears

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Par   •  26 Avril 2018  •  TD  •  517 Mots (3 Pages)  •  528 Vues

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By Carla Brochard

A long time ago, in a valley of green grass, a man, but it could have been a woman or a child walked by crying.
Every step was followed by heavy sobs.
He cried regularly, sometimes hardly then more slowly but without ever stopping.

His tears fell upon his cheeks, but he continued to walk.

Attracted by the sound of the cries of the man, a bird approached and asked him :

" What are you doing here alone? 
- I walk and I cry … "

Immediately, a big tear tumbled down the cheek which he collected immediately.

 " But why are you so sad? 
-  I am not sad.
- Then, why you cry? 
- Look at my tears, they become magnificent twinkling pearls. Do you want one?
- Yes please! "

 He put his hands in his pockets filled with glittering pearls and came out a few to let the animal choose.

" I like that one! It is not the biggest but it shines more than the others!
- I shed a lot of tears for that one, you chose well. "
- It’s for that you don’t stop crying? 
- Exactly.
- To have as much pearls as possible ? 
- That's it. Take the pearl "

The bird seizes its only pearl using its pointed beak and left quickly and lightly, especially happy because it has acquired such a beautiful treasure, while the man continued his slow and difficult walk the pockets filled.

Later, the bird arises and contemplates its beautiful pearl. He keeps thinking about this unfortunate man weeping alone in the valley.

It is decided. In a stroke of beak he gets his treasure and flies away to find this man. He sees it in the distance, the man not having much advance since their last meeting, weighed by the unbelievable quantity of pearls. He keeps crying, constantly. Suffering from the weight that handicaps its walk.

“ But stop crying! It’s your tears which are preventing you from moving on!

-I can’t stop, I just can’t ... “

A suite of tears falls from his eyes that he picks up vividly.

"I am so exhausted ... But I got the habit I can’t stop ... “

Suddenly, the bird rips the pockets of the man's coat, "crac" on the first pocket, "crac" on the second.

He encouraged him by beat his wings to continue his march.

The man listens to the bird and advances. As he steps, the pearls slip from his pockets. Lighter, he advances easily, leaving a line of pearls behind him, creating a bright way, emptying the weight of his pockets and his heart.


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