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Oral D'Anglais

Mémoires Gratuits : Oral D'Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Novembre 2014  •  494 Mots (2 Pages)  •  3 431 Vues

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Expression oral : The idea of progress

• The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – of technical, scientific or social advance which contribute to making the world a better place.

I will expose you the technological progress in particulare : man-machine, machine-man and the futur for this progress.

Now, I will talk about man-machine and I will compare it with the humans.

• It’s current realisators use image of man robot in science fiction movies.

Such as, in the movie I,Robot released in 2004 with the main actor Will Smith, the robots looks like human. But we can see immediatly the mechanic parts, the cables, wires and articulations.

These scientifics created authentic robots like we can see in science fiction movie.

Exemple, the robot HRP-4C created in Japon by scientist in 2009, looks like much more humanoid because we can clearly see the face, hairs and also hands humans. It was created in order to sing and dance.

So, the scientist have created robots, which look like humans to take care of the old people at home, to replace workers in factories or become a « friend ».

• Then about intelligent machines is a concept now real.

It was formed, for example ASIMO created by Honda, this robot is use like receptionist.

But this intelligent isn’t equal than humans. These machines can hear and see better than humans, but they unable to analyse these informations. So, they don’t have capacity of reflection and analyse.

Now, I will talk about a machine-man

• The concept of cyborg exist in movie since long time. For exemple, « Frankenstein» movie, producted in 1931. Indeed at this time, the artificial heart is impossible act but, today it’s a real adavance for the human survival.

In the news generations of movies, we can find « wolverine » or « Iron Man » humans improved thank to graft of mecanic part.

In the real life, the cyborgs are humans who received prothesis or other artificials mecanics parts. Exemple : hip replacement

• Perhaps, in near future, the humans are create with machines

According to the text « Brave new world », Humans will create 96 humans thanks to machines. The embryos are bombarded with X-rays which arrest their developement. Then, one embryo could make 96 workers.

This concept can be affraid people, so I will explain possible futur for this progress.

• I think the science fiction is a good indication of what’s going to happen. Indeed, Leonard de Vinci, in the 15 century, though a flying machine. At that time, it was a science fiction but today it’s a reality.

• Then, the progress isn’t perfect. I think the progress unable to survival, to cure, to live in a better world, etc... But the progress has limits. It created atomic bomb, or the robots can take power with artificial intelligent.. So the progress can provok the extermination of human and also


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