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Oral Anglais

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Par   •  5 Mai 2015  •  814 Mots (4 Pages)  •  700 Vues

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A myth can be defined as a story embodied by a hero, a place or a community. Indeed, a myth symbolize the human condition. When we talk about a myth, we take an interest in heroes and stories that found a collective identity. In fact, a myth have an universal magnitude.

A hero can be a fictional or a real character who affected the tradition, History or daily life.

A hero is admired for his courage, his outstanding achievements or noble qualities.

During this year, we have studied the hero called Martin Luther King, the british heroes and then the Google Self Driving Car.

That's why, we are going to ask ourselves: How the myths and heroes emboby the values of the nation?

To respond, we will see on the one hand Martin Luther King, on the other hand the british heroes and finally the Google Self Driving Car.

In the first place, we can talk about the hero Martin Luther King, which had a political influence. Martin Luther King was an African American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the American civil rights movement. He wanted equaliy for all, he fought against discrimination in the domains of justice, education and political representation.

Indeed, he was a leading figure in the Civil rights movement and we can say that he was very involved in this struggle because he was a martyr and he belonged to the black community of the USA.

Furthermore, he is famous in the USA and in the whole earth because of his famous speech “I have a dream”, pronounced against racial discrimination. This speech has become one of the most famous speeches in History.

Thanks to Martin Luther King, the Jim Crow Laws, laws establishing racial segregation, have been abolished.

In a word, Martin Luther King changed the course of History and the condition of black people today.

After that, we will take an interest in transmissions done by the british heroes.

In the second place, we can talk about british heroes.

Most British characters relate to Britishness become popular figures. Their main attributes are: courage, elegance, strenght and especially eccentricity. Now, let's take a look at the British characters we've studied in class. So we talked about Alice in Wonderland, which is a novel written by Lewis Caroll in the 19th century. The main character is Alice, a child who fell down and entered in Wonderland. Wonderland is actually a metaphor of the British society, made of several characters reflecting aspects of that society. At first, there is the white rabbit, who's always looking at his clock, afraid of being late: he appears as a very stressed character. He represents the anxiety worker. Then comes the cat and his smile: he represents sneakiness and a bit corruption. Besides, there is the Queen of hearts: because of her gigantic head, she makes a tyrannic leader by cutting people's head as soon as they don't do as she says. She represents the unfair and arbitrary power as it can be encountered in society or through totalitarism. Many other British characters are known all around the world: Sherlock Holmes, who is a very clever


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