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Notion Fiction And Science (oral)

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Par   •  2 Janvier 2015  •  773 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 306 Vues

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Fiction and science

Ω) Can we manage to conciliate between our lives as human beings and scientific progress?

- Fiction and science: People separate these two words from life. Why? … Human beings have never or rarely figured the possibility of integring in their daily lives, new technological progress that waspreviously seen as a fiction. The concept of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become increasingly better in terms of science, technology, modernization, liberty, democracy, quality of life.

- New technologies such as : nanotechnology to create artificial organs or bionics, robots, machines pluged that can be pluged in many ways…: anyway a plethora of new technological devices and technics that may in a close future, improve our lives as human beings to a certain extent if we use them well.

- In fact, we must ask ourselves : can we manage to conciliate between our lives as human beings and scientific progress ?

- Therefore, we must consider both sides of this polemical predicament or dilemma if we want to weigh the positive and negative aspects of integrin technological progress in our lives. We must first consider the new technologies and their eventual benefits, and then focus on the way these technologies can turn against humans.

 Conciliate our lives with scientific progress, can improve our human capacities. That is to say, the way we are and even sometimes the way we think.

- First, integring new technologies in our lives can rid the world of imperfections. As we can see in the movie “Welcome to Gattacca” we would be able by the way of Sex and genetic selection science to conceive perfect people that wouldn’t suffer any disease and would all belong to the elite class in terms of intelligence or physical capabilities.

- Furthermore, there are technologies that can also improve physical capacities such as the nanotechnology, bionics not to mention their function of healing physical organs in a sophisticated way. Within 20 years we won’t have to face death at all with nanotechnology devices or organs.

- Eventhought, the technologies are mainly used for a physical purpose, there are some primitive concepts to enhance our mental capabilities. We must quote the intelligent chip plugged in the head that may be used as a rich source of knowledge since it provides us with all the informations we need directly from the internet. Besides, it can help fight depressions, which shows its therapeutic function.

- As a matter of fact, the good use of technological innovations can surely make our lives better

 Nevertheless, humans were created with imperfections otherwise they would still be in (paradis d’Eden). Indeed, we seek power and money at any cost even when it comes to health.

- The more technomedical innovations we make the more we provide qualified people with power to make the pression. Indeed, it is blatant that these people can easily and manipulatively deny access to these technologies to people who cannot afford it. In other words, they will prevent people from living. As we saw on the presentation of Hugh


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