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Non, et moi, Delphine de Wigan

Fiche de lecture : Non, et moi, Delphine de Wigan. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Mars 2015  •  Fiche de lecture  •  975 Mots (4 Pages)  •  748 Vues

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No and me, by Delphine De Vigan


1. Read the storyline on the back cover. Predict and explain ‘‘a few bumps in the way’’. (100 words)

No is used to the life in the streets, so her manners and habits are surely not the same as Lou’s family. I guess that there will have several fights and many obstacles to face throughout No’s arrival. No will probably find it really hard to integrate a new family, so maybe she will leave Lou’s house for a short period of time. Lou’s family is apparently fragile, so they will have to manage how to stay together. Lou’s parents will probably ask their new refugee to leave and it will really upset their daughter. I don’t know what will happen for sure, but I know that the characters will have many issues to deal with.

2. This novel takes place in Paris. If you have been there, describe your stay and what makes this city extraordinary. If not, research Paris and describe where you would go and what would you do as a tourist. (150 words)

I’ve never been to Paris and I wish I will have the chance to discover this city one day. If I would have the chance to spend one day in Paris, I would take the opportunity to do as many things as possible. I would go visit the Eiffel tower, The Louvre Museum, The Arc de Triumph and many other touristic attractions. I would walk in the streets while enjoying the wonderful view and the landscapes. I would sit in a small cafe for hours while watching Parisian doing their daily routine. I would also go sit on a park bench, try to make new friends and take as many photos as possible. If I would go with my family, we would visit a lot more monuments and museums, but if I had the chance to go on my own, I would just do activities that would make me happy.

3. Homelessness is a growing problem. Research in a local current newspaper or magazine article. Resume your findings and state your sources.

I found an article in the website of In Time Magazine about homelessness. It informs us about a man who was a successful producer of Hollywood films and sitcoms who started to have trouble finding work one day. His entire family had to go to a shelter, because they were unable to pay rent. It talks about the fact that the middle class in Los Angeles is now going homeless. Since the economic crisis of 2008, the number of families who became homeless has tripled. It really makes us appreciate what we have, because we never know what will happen with our economical situation. A lot of good people find themselves without a roof above their head and sometimes it’s the ones who expect it the least.

Source of the article:,8599,2090997,00.html


1. Lou is terrified by oral presentations. She would rather just answer questions than talk freely to people or tell them stories. She also says that she keeps herself to herself. How does she compare to you on these three


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