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Mythes Et Heros

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Par   •  29 Avril 2014  •  256 Mots (2 Pages)  •  813 Vues

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At first, I will define the notion of myth and heroes: Originally, a hero was a demigod: a mortal man gifted with superhuman powers. Myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. And a successful career is one in which you are doing what you love while making enough money to pay the bills.

So how can myths and heroes influence people's careers? I will first talk about a document studied in class. Then I will make links between myths, heroes and successful careers.

I) Document étudié en classe

Now I will talk ... heroes studies in class. Indeed we studied heroes in the career success. Some people like Oprah winfrey, Steve jobs, Thomas Edinson.

Oprah Winfrey is a woman, a TV presenter, a journalist. She came from poor family, from the lower class. She is now one of the most influential women in America and is the world. She has influenced millions of people worlwide. It's a person who is very famous and very media ???. She is mainly known for his talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show, which has won several award.

Steve Jobs had an ordinary life story bur it's a genius. He overcame a lot of hardsships, he was as vulnerable as others people, for example he left school, fought to make his firm work, he was fired and had very important health problems. Steve Jobs was a inventors, he had improved and advanced the computerS and the computing.


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