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Murals In America

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Par   •  12 Novembre 2012  •  368 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 389 Vues

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Look and React

1) On the wall you can see three figures representing the civil rights struggle in United States of America. First, on the middle hand side we can see a famous character called Martin Luther King who was a non-violent activist for black civil rights in the United States for peace and against poverty. Then, to the left, we can see Rosa Parks is a seamstress who became a leading figure in the fight against racial segregation in the United States. Finally, at the right, we can see the president of USA Barack Obama who realize the dream of civil rights activists.

2) The mains characters are represented by a red background. It could represent all the blood shed by the struggle for more black civil rights. Also it could symbolize all the anger felt by blacks. However, the black color can represent elegance and simplicity generated by these heroes.

3) The author's intention was to pay tribute to his hero who changed America. Also it allows passerby to maintain hope because today all black are free “they could fly” thanks to these important figurehead the black community can now enjoy a certain equality.

4) Barack Obama is a hero, a hero don’t have to fight in a war to be a hero; you just have to be responsible, courageous (jeusse), loving, trustworthy (digne de confiance), respectful and caring. Barack Obama has all of these traits. Martin Luther king is a hero because he risked his life to end segregation and help colors to freedom. Rosa Parks is a hero because she risked prison for opposing the white. She wanted a change and she has obtained a real change.

Read and React

Yes, maybe three people were a little more courageous than others. But if there had not been that white racism against blacks, heroes don’t exist and so they are not really recognized today. In fact, the Rosa Park’s action gave courage to Martin Luther King who pledged to turn in the struggle against racism in South Africa during apartheid. This struggle has allowed some recognition, which was materialized with the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, the first Black President. In others words, without occasion like racism wouldn’t exist.


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