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Miss Marple rédaction En Anglais

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Par   •  5 Janvier 2013  •  405 Mots (2 Pages)  •  982 Vues

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Miss Marple:

Jane Marple ,better know under the name of

« Miss Marple » is a elderly spinster ,created by Agatha

Christie. She lives in the village of St. Mary Mead

and acts as an amateur detective around her village.

she is one of the most loved and famous of Christie's

characters and has been played several times on screen.

Miss Marple was inspired by Agatha Christie's grand mother and

friends. The name “Marple” comes probably from the railway

station in Marple. Agatha Christie wrote 12 novels about her

Investigations and Jane Marple appears in 4 short stories .

Her first appearance was in a short story published in

The Sketch magazine in 1926,« The Tuesday Night Club »,

which later became the first chapter of« The Thirteen Problems »

(1932).Her first appearance in a long novel was in The Murder

at the Vicarage in 1930.The character of Jane Marple in the first Miss

Marple book, « The Murder at the Vicarage », is really different from

how she appears in later books. In the earlier version she was presented

has someone who loves gossips and not an especially nice woman.

The citizens of St. Mary Mead liked her but were often tired by her nosy

nature , that's why in the later books she became kinder. The «Sleeping

Murder»was the last book with Miss Marple ,after Agatha Christies death in 1976.

The illustration by Gilbert Wilkinson in The Royal Magazine in 1926, was her first

representation .Jane Marple had to wait thirty-two years for her first

 big-screen appearance. The first actress who played her was

Margaret Rutherford(on the photo).In 2011 Walt Disney Pictures announced that

Jenifer Garder will be the next Miss Marple in their film.

On the TV-screen Miss Marple, have been played by minimum 5 actress

whose Helen Hayes who played at past 80 years! And the last Miss

Marple is Julia Mackenzie (on the photo)which you can still

see the episodes on TMC.

Her fine intelligence allows her to easily solve crimes

and St. Mary Mead, over her lifetime, has given her infinite



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