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Master Project: Global Telecom Industry Trends

Fiche de lecture : Master Project: Global Telecom Industry Trends. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Juin 2019  •  Fiche de lecture  •  5 847 Mots (24 Pages)  •  357 Vues

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The global telecommunications industry is under the threat and continuing to change at breakneck speed. The monopoly which characterized that sector is far, and operators themselves are taking the appropriate measures to explore new opportunities to expand their services. The technologies are disruptive, with traffic explosion, the global growth of mobile connectivity, the rapid digitalization transformation... call for a tremendous organization of the traditional telecommunications operators. In the other hand, this opens large windows for the new players. Consequently, traditional business model becomes obsolete. The evolution is fast and bigger so, Executive, Senior Leaders and decision makers are trying to take the bull by the horn.

African countries, as for them, still being the big part of over the 4 billion people remain unconnected to the web. Because among others the lack of infrastructure, the people lives in the hard-to-reach areas, or the majority doesn’t feel the need, its daily concern is to manage poverty. However in regards of the rapid telecommunications transformation, African countries have to be aligned. The ecosystem Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMC) will be more and more mobile. Face to these innovations, businesses, governments, operators and consumers must take advantage of this technological boom to create new opportunities. Mobile impact in Africa is real remarkable: healthcare, education, mobile finance, etc…

My approach seeks to explore the key trends affecting the telecommunications sector by analyzing their potential impact, pinpoint the risks associated and give the way to avoid or to mitigate it. Then I will use those information’s to make recommendations to telecommunications companies at the strategic level. Among all trends, in the lines below, I principally targeted on three trends and make my analysis in the strategic angle. As the results, those trends bring new opportunities which telecommunications operators can capitalize on.

The trends on which I base my analysis are:

1. Internet of Things (IoT) technology

2. Cloud Computing

3. Mobile Money Services

1. Global Telecommunications - The Market

The market of global telecommunications, innovation and development go hand in hand. The market is clocked by the speed of innovation and development. More and more, telecommunications products and services are an integral part of our daily lives. And this use brings the market to grow in a dizzying way.

The market of global telecommunications, geographically presented is: Asia Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of the World. In this game, the density of the Asia population is a great factor of the market growth, in this case, China and India. The explosion of the mobile operators, smartphone owners and internet users rise China and India market the largest in the world. The implication of the government has solidified their weight in the market. Strong of its wireless and broadband markets, the North America Region has a high potentials to expand its infrastructure. Latin America is not at the rest: Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. They are on the way to cash the opportunities to develop high speed broadband services, 5G services, the uses of the smartphone also increases.

We can take in consideration these segments of global telecommunications market: long distance carriers, wireless communication, domestic telecommunications services, communications equipment, processing systems and products, and foreign telecom services. There is a continuing decline in the use of landlines, and a continuing rise in the use of wireless, Internet, satellites and entertainment.

1. The Products and Services

Innovative services: e-agriculture, e-education, e-health, storage area networks, storage products, storage networking services, entry level servers, enterprise networking services, 3G, 4g and 5G services, calling cards, broadband networks and application networking service.

2. Advanced technology-based services

Advanced technology-based services including wireless communications, the internet, fiber-optics and satellites. The entertainment is nowadays a part of telecommunications services, I want is at proofs Comcast, Cable TV System which offer local telephone service and high-speed Internet access; AT&T, telecommunications firm who sale also television.

3. Future Trends in telecommunications sector

The future of telecommunications represents considerable enjeux: more of satellite deployment, Machine-to-machine communications with wireless devices, gathering and sending data through the Internet. What about:

1. Internet Of Things

IoT Technology is the network of physical objects that contain embedded technology to communicate and sense or interact with their internal states or the external environment. In IoT technology, the main risks are IoT vulnerability management and security failure. The top opportunity mentioned by “Digital magazine”: Similarly, IoT technology will enable telecom companies to monitor and plan maintenance more effectively, optimize bandwidth and coverage to boost download times, and improve customer service by reducing dropped calls and services wait times. This in turn will minimize revenue lost to service disruption. The Internet of Things affects all the fundamental sectors of the economy, which requires various and varied demands on mobile operators. For the Mobile Operators, their challenge would be to meet the needs of customers, and this would require global distribution models, it also represents an opportunity for new commercial models to support mass global deployment. As this technology is a value-added service for mobile operators that will generate new revenue, they will develop new skills to deal with it. In 2013, M2M connections accounted for 2.8% of global mobile connections (195 million). As connected life evolves, by 2020, they will reach 10.5 billion while all access technologies could reach 25.6 billion

The Top 4 leading markets of IoT are Sweden (23,1%, Norway 14.9%, New Zeland 13,9% and Finland 11,4%. This means that the market is reaching his maturity.


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