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Man in the high castle

Cours : Man in the high castle. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mai 2017  •  Cours  •  503 Mots (3 Pages)  •  528 Vues

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ournal Entry 1

Thursday April 3, 2017

After reading the first fifty pages of the novel “The Man In The High Castle”, I am still very confused about the whole setting of the book. I feel like there are still many things that I don’t understand about the world: I am still not entirely sure about how the United-States are divided between Germans and Japanese. I also don’t understand what the oracle is exactly and how he chooses the hexagrams to answer the questions asked to him. Finally, the fact that the author chose to hop from character to character between chapters confuses me and right now I don’t feel like their stories are connected.

Journal Entry 2

Sunday April 9, 2017

Between the pages fifty to one hundred, the novel “The Man In The High Castle” starts to get a little more interesting in my opnion. Unlike in the first fifty pages, we are now starting to see how the different stories of each caracter are going to tie up with each other. We are also told more about the world after Germay and Japan won the war and are introduced to a book, “The Grasshopper Lies Heavy”, which describes how the United States would have won the war if Theodore Roosvelt hadn’t been assasinated. It seems that this book will be important later on in the story since the residence of the man who wrote it is called “The High Castle”, thus explaining the title of the book “The Man In The High Castle”.

Journal Entry 3

Sunday April 23, 2017

After reading the pages one hundred to one hudred and fifty, we are starting to learn more and more about the backstory of certain caracters and how they were related, like the example of Frank and Juliana who were married. During this part of the book I feel like there is starting to see more and more tensions between Japan and Germany because of the death of Martin Bormann, Germany’s leader and the fact that they have to name a new one. Everyone seems to be one the edge of their seats as to who will be named Fürher and the Japanese are ready to react. This could mean that Japan will somehow try to take a part of Germany’s control over the world .

Journal Entry 4

Monday May 1, 2017

Between the pages on hundred and fifty and two hundred, I am finally starting to feel as if the novel has an actual plot involving all of the different caracters that were presented to us so far. We are also no begining to feel like there is some sort of conspiracy agains’t Germany going on with the reveal that Mr. Baynes is a political enemy of the Reich who came to San Francisco to talk with some important Japanese representatives. This part of the story also further expands on the relationshoip between Japanese and Americans which always seem to have a sense of inferiority when talking to them, as show by the conversation between Robert Childan and Paul Kasoura.


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