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Livre, Ils m’ont appelé Eva commentaire de texte en anglais

Commentaire de texte : Livre, Ils m’ont appelé Eva commentaire de texte en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Mai 2013  •  Commentaire de texte  •  339 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 045 Vues

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« Ils m’ont appelé Eva »

The book I’m going to present is entitled « Ils m’ont appelé Eva » written by Joan Wolf in March 2011. Joan Wolf was born in 1951(nineteen fifty one) in the Bronx, New York, he is an American writer of romance novels.

This book draft a painful subject. It’s an historical novel based on reals facts of the second World War. The story take place in Czechoslovakia, more precisely in the village of Lidice next to Prague.

The young Milada , 10 years old, lives in Lidice with her family, when suddenly, a night, the Nazi army arrives in the village, kill the villagers and tear her away has her family because she has blond hair and blue eyes. After that, she is took to Poland in a German center where the Nazi teach to her month after month, to forget her past. She must forget her name (she replies from now on the name of Eva), her language, and her identity to become a perfect Aryan. However, Milada manage to keep a brooch, a precious memory of her grandmother and her past which help her to remember who she really is.

In this book, the author shows us another facet of the Nazism. This story tells us the nonsense of the Lebensborn’s creation, an absurd program used on all the occupied territories, where children are torn away from their family to be Germanized and then adopted by the high class Nazi society. But, this narrative is also the one of a girl who resists inwardly to never forget who she is and where she comes from.

Finally, I recommend this book to the class because it is easy to read (with big letters). The story is sad but the plot is very interested. I choose this book because it touched me a lot thanks to the part of truth inside, I have read it two years ago and the story of Milada impressed me and I keep a good memory of this book


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