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LLCE Terminal; climate change

Résumé : LLCE Terminal; climate change. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Avril 2021  •  Résumé  •  252 Mots (2 Pages)  •  618 Vues

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LLCE Terminal; climate change

(synthèse; compte rendu)

Nowadays, climate change is a major and urgent issue. Indeed, our planet is in extreme danger and actions are necessary. We must think about future generations who will have to live their lives in a healthy world, so we can say it is required to confront the older generations to allow a good future for the generations to come. Furthermore, some experimental studies proved the urgency of our climate’s situation, so we all know that we have to act as fast as possible. The past few years, many ecologist campaigns took place around the world to give an awareness message, but I personally think that this is not enough, even if we can see some change and effort in the world. So, in my point of view, an emotional response could be a key point for a real evolution in climate change. As a matter of fact, demonstrations and impactful campaigns are what really make the mentalities evolve because, in my eyes, I think that if someone get sensitive, he, she or they will be more involved in the issue and will maybe find some personal interest in the fight we need, so more and more people would be concerned and take more responsibilities, and this is exactly the goal of all campaigns. Whether to climate change or other societal issues I think the scheme is the same, the point of movements is to send a message and convince people to involve themselves into the issue.


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