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L'enfance de Gandhi (document en anglais)

Compte Rendu : L'enfance de Gandhi (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Décembre 2013  •  921 Mots (4 Pages)  •  629 Vues

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Gandhi’s Childhood

1) How does the man appear in this excerpt?

In this excerpt from his biography, An autobiography: The story of my Experiments with Truth, Gandhi narrates his experiments with truth in life. Gandhi appears to be extremely honest to himself and to the reader “I do not remember having ever told a lie” lines 7 and 8, “I could never learn the art of copying” line 23, as he confesses everything that seems important to him “I know that I shall have to swallow many much bitter draughts in the course of this narrative” lines 55 and 56, “It is my painful duty to have to record her my marriage at the age of thirteen” lines 57 and 58. In addition, it seems to me that he appears to be very wise and open-minded, as he does not have any critical judgment over the experiments he discloses in the extract. Indeed, we can infer that he wishes to narrate his spiritual and moral experiments rather than political.

2) Which of his remembrances of childhood moves you?

As Gandhi depicted his own marriage in that excerpt I found it really moving and full of emotions. He tries as much as he can to be open-minded and fair though, the reader can feel his sensibility getting the upper hand. Effectively, it seems as a painful memory for him, that he confides to the reader in order to keep no secrets. He portrays marriage among Hindus as well as the traditions with acceptance, though I found the part where he reveals us that he does not know weather he was betrothed once, twice or thrice, bitterly chocking. I found it outrageous to be dependant to that point to your parents, and to accept to be married by “force”, even if it is a well-fixed tradition, just to please them. His parents probably thought it was for Gandhi’s own good at the time, but it is obvious that regardless of the months which were taken up in preparation for the marriages, he never assumed his role of husband as he didn’t marry his soul mate.

3) Are you surprised by the memories he has selected? Why?

I am actually surprised by the memories Gandhi picked in this excerpt of his biography, as I find them rather intimate, especially the second one concerning his wedding and arrangements. The first memory has no real significance for me, except the fact that we discover a Gandhi with real principles, based on honesty. For instance he precises that he can’t remember the day he lied, and that he never cheated at school. In my opinion, it is relevant as we, readers, disclose Gandhi’s true personality. Apropos of the second memory he arouses, I really find it confidential. In point of a fact, I would not reveal such a memory to millions of readers as I feel it only concerns oneself. Though, again it helps us to outline the character, as we find out more about his early life and upbringing.

4) Think about one vivid memory when you were seven. Why do you feel this specific memory has stuck?

When I was in primary school, and more precisely in 1rst grade, I went on a cruise with my family in the Caribbean’s and one day we stopped on a tiny little island. I was really excited to go on sandy beach!

I can remember that there was only one main “street”, if we can call


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