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Kholles anglais

Discours : Kholles anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Février 2014  •  Discours  •  387 Mots (2 Pages)  •  637 Vues

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Anglais kholles

This document is an aritcle taken from the guardian. It was published in late January 2001. It is headline “I took my kids off-line”. The article deals with impact of technology on family life. So the question that arises Family life is upset by it technology?

The mother decided to private children of technology during 6 months. The reason is simple; she would pass more time for her family. Effectively she would to discover a life without all this technology. So she banned all technology at home. “She was anxious about the amount of time her three teenagers spent transfixed by technology”.

She had high expectations of her experiment. Effectively, she would like to find a family life, to share good moment with her children like family meals, to go the cinema, restaurants…

Her children accept easily this lifestyle.

After his experience she explains that she has “finally discover a real life without internet games consoles, TV or mobiles phones.” “They eat together”, “ they talked more” , “ they played board games”, “ they went on outing to the cinema and restaurant”.

So the experience was so positive for her family.

Even his children are well adopted at the beginning her children was confronted boredom but after they understand that it was a good experience for them “ they found out that it made them resourceful”

The mother insists that it’s the parents who are partly responsible of the addiction of the teenagers . In fact, she adds that the absence limit which is the cause of this problem. In the end of the article we have a message of Henry who says that you must choose the way of your life.

Finally we can say that the problem of technology are topicality .Some people thinks that the technology isolate us from the reality, on the other hand others peoples thinks that it allows us to open to the world. There are different opinion about that.

I think that is not the multiplication of these tools who are the real problem but the way to use it. So it is not necessary to eliminate all the technology to have a real family life , but you must to give limits.


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