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Key story

Cours : Key story. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Septembre 2021  •  Cours  •  424 Mots (2 Pages)  •  260 Vues

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Where is my key? My key can open doors but, what doors to your mind or to a place. I am so lost without my key. It’s the only one, I need to find it. I can feel my heart beet and see my warm breath agaisnt the air . These key is so important for me I can feel all the pain of the world I can feel the pain of a mother when she see her child crying I can feel the same pain of someone between life and death I can see everything in the world. But what is this key maybe mine ? No that can't be possible... when I try to take this key it disappear like if it never been there. As if she had never been there... maybe it was unreal, was just a dream, a dream, an incredible dream that I wish for everyone. So wonderful, but what was that key ? All these wonderful things that I was able to experience with this key are only passing now, I have to forget it


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