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Kafka's "metamorphosis"

Commentaire de texte : Kafka's "metamorphosis". Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Avril 2017  •  Commentaire de texte  •  400 Mots (2 Pages)  •  771 Vues

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In Kafka s ‘’metamorphosis’’, it is suggested that we all have a certain attachment to our humanity even during our darkest hours. Gregor has quickly adapted to him being a bug, he starts crawling through the walls, he hides himself when Grete enters his room, and seems to be enjoying music even more thanks to his antennas. However we can see that being human is something dear to Gregor, he was able to provide and support for his family, even if he didn’t like it, he had a purpose, and was an important member of the family. This part of humanity no longer exists as Gregor turned into a bug, nevertheless, what makes us humans, is not just what we show on the outside, it is also how we feel on the inside, and that is something that Gregor did not lose. He is always thinking, analyzing his surroundings, the feelings he has towards his family, and the feelings his family has for him. He feels guilt, pride and even anger at some times. The attachment he has for the woman covered in fur, is just him being still attached to a basic human aspect, desired by all, sex ‘’he saw hanging on the wall..the picture of the woman dressed in nothing but fur. He quickly scurried up over it and pressed himself against the glass that held it in place and which made his hot abdomen feel good’’ (The Metamorphosis p.58 of 96). All of those elements show that even as a bug, Gregor was in a way more human than any other of his close relative.

This leads us to a second point, that is how quickly most of his family lost any sense of compassion or humanity for Gregor, and how he was not perceived as a human being anymore. Gregor’s appearance and his inability to communicate make him in a way, easy to hate. Only his sister seems to be genuinely taking care of him, until a certain point, the point when he becomes more of a burden for her, who is trying to climb the social ladder, and become a woman.

For Grete, Gregor lost everything that made him human, while she found, everything to make her a woman, ‘’ And it was something of a confirmation of their new…the daughter first lifted herself up and stretched her young body.’’ ( The matamorphosis P.96)


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