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John Steinbeck

Commentaire de texte : John Steinbeck. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Février 2015  •  Commentaire de texte  •  210 Mots (1 Pages)  •  584 Vues

John Steinbeck was a famous American writer. He was born in 1902 in California and he died in 1968 in New-York. It is a novelist, writer and war correspondent. It is part of the movement of the "Lost Generation."

In 1940, he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. In 1962, he received the Nobel Prize for Literature. His latest price received will be the Medal of Freedom in 1964. After high school, he studied at Stanford but quickly abandoned his studies. In 1925, he moved to New York where he will perform some various jobs as a reporter, apprentice painter, bricklayer, laborer and chemist. He returned a year later in Salinas.

In 1929, he released his first novel, "Cup of Gold", a historical fiction based on the life of Henry Morgan, who did not meet success. He married Carol Henning in 1930 and moved to Pacific Grove. He met Edward Ricketts, a biologist with whom he becomes friends. His mother going to die in 1934 and his father in 1935. He had three sisters.

"Tortilla Flat", written in 1935, earned him his first literary prize, the gold medal for best writing by a Californian awarded by the Commonwealth Club of California novel. This humorous story ensures success. He befriends his editor, Pascal Covici.


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