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Intercultural communication

Cours : Intercultural communication. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Décembre 2018  •  Cours  •  733 Mots (3 Pages)  •  369 Vues

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Intercultural communication

I - Negotiation with US in 5steps

First contact : If the Americans are used to being called by their first name, about is the hierarchical level, they prefer to keep their distance physically speaking. Thus we leave to his interlocutor a living space being about enough 60 for 70 centimeters. As for the handshake, she must be frank and energetic, we shake the arm twice while looking at the person in eyes. 
Furthermore, it is necessary to favor the sobriety in the clothes or the language, the vulgarity is very badly perceived.

Discussion :  During this phase, you lay the groundwork for your discussions and how your meetings will flow. Besides, making an opening statement, it is at this point where you should confirm the reasons for your meeting, identify common problems and issues, establish ground rules and accepted procedures and verify areas to be negotiated. At this point, your just getting warmed up and making sure that each party is essentially on the same page.

Proposal : During the proposal stage, each side is starting to lay out their possible positions. Often, "trial balloons" are used to feel out the other party's willingness to negotiate particular areas or items. Options are just starting to be thrown out and considered.

Overcome objections : To deal with objections, that that is for the financial, marketing or other level, it is always necessary to have a solution to be able to counter these objections all the time. Most solutions which you propose in any negotiation, more it is likely that you will find something there on the other side will more be inclined to negotiate on. When you find those to concentrate.

he ink is barely dry on the contract but the negotiation is essentially over. How did your side do? Did you achieve your goals? What did you learn from your negotiation? What can you use in future negotiations with this party or other parties? A bit of introspection can lead to a great deal of valuable lessons.


Every culture has a different way of viewing the world and therefore a different way of negotiating.

There are some cultures that like to have a team of negotiators rather than just a single negotiator. Other cultures want to create a friendly relationship. That is to say, they may want to know the person with whom they’re doing business. Others care little about the people and just want the contract signed or price agreed.

Today we are focussing about the american culture and the main differences between USA and France in particular in negociation activity, Do you think cultural differences can influence the results of a negociation ?

For the case USA and France, the business cultural is quite the same, the only major difference is that the french are more reserved than the american and can seems to be cold with their interlocutor.

But many cultural differences can influate a negociation because some people can be and act very differently for the same subject, by example :


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