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How can fiction mirror reality ?

Étude de cas : How can fiction mirror reality ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Avril 2020  •  Étude de cas  •  294 Mots (2 Pages)  •  360 Vues

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How can fiction mirror reality?

Firstly, reality is “that which exists”, and fiction exists, so fiction is a subset within the set of all things that constitute reality. Therefore, because fiction is part of reality, it can’t be differentiated from reality.

Moreover, a lot of shows exist to reassure people, but the series Black Mirror was made to actively unsettle people. Indeed, its general producer describes it as a box of dark chocolate. It is a worried show, worried about today, what it will become with the impact that technology has on our lives. Effectively, Black Mirror is about the world changing with a technological focus. In usual series, we talk about human relationships but we never portray technology as evil even if technology can ruin people’s life. For instance, Mary’s story is great example of the harmfulness of; where when here children left home, she turned a B&B. Things went well for a few years until one day her world came crashing because of bad reviews on TripAdvisor, and this website allowed these lies to continue until Mary was fighting to keep her business open. Also, for example, 18-year-old Essena O’Neill became an Instagram star and expresses that her ideal style of life was actually miserable: “I was addicted to what people thought of me. She then told her 1 million followers that she was quitting social media. After this, she created a website,, to tell her story and encourage others to be present and live authentically.

Finally, technologies can be seen as extensions of our own bodies, of our own faculties - the kind to amplify human powers in order to cope with the various environments brings on the extensions. These amplifications of our powers, sort of deifications of man, I think as technologies.


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