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Grand rêve (document en anglais)

Fiche de lecture : Grand rêve (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Mars 2014  •  Fiche de lecture  •  792 Mots (4 Pages)  •  676 Vues

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Dreams, every one have a dream I do and you may as well, but we don’t always make effort for it to become true. For example; students; you can notice that most of them have been forced to chose a branch with out liken it because of the family or their grades don’t qualified them to do what they love. For me, I believe that a person only those his best in what he loves in my situation writing story lines, short stories and why not a novel someday is my passion, but the biggest dream is to be a film director as well as a story writer I know that it’s sound crazy and impossible but I believe in my self ,my abilities and my talent and I know that if I work hard enough it will became true like they say “if you can dream it you can do it“

I know that I sound so optimistic but believe in your selves and chase your dreams because you only live ones. I’m not saying studies are not important they are but without passion there is no success. So here is an example of a success story of a dreamer enjoy.


Madison an 18 years old girl lives with her parents in small town near Pennsylvania, she’s in only child, so her parents spoiled her a lot she think that she is the best and no one else is better then her enlist that what her parents wants her to think , she wakes up the day after graduation with a question in her mind , what I’m going to do now after high school ? , she already knows that she’ going to a private school but she was questioning her abilities to became successful because she was depending on her parents the entire time. After a long time thinking she realize that she doesn’t have a dream, a dream of her own not what her parents wants her to be. Therefore, she decided to start a journey in order to find out what she wants and what she’s capable of. Her Parents wasn’t very happy of the change that happened to their daughter but they give her the summer to do what she likes but if she didn’t succeed she has to come back home and do what was planed for her because they thought she wont survive the real world .

The next morning, she took her package and went out to the bus station and while she sits waiting she said to her self what Am’ I going to do?

Well, the answer was simple find dream and follow it and that what she did she took the bus all the way to New York she went to a big library and she starts wandering what is the most thing that makes her happy she spent a hours looking for something special until she saw this book about cooking and food and she starts reading it and she felt happy and then she knows that she found what she was looking for , a dream , a dream to became a chef , she knew that it’s not easy and it wont make her parents happy but it is what she wants.

So the next day she starts going to cooking lessons as well as reading some cooking books in order to develop her knowledge , at the end of summer she was ready to go back home and convince her family to let her go to cooking school. When her parents heard that they start laughing at her because they think that their little girl can’t cook but she asked them to invite all their friends into dinner to show off her cooking skills, her parent’s only accepted because they thought she would burn everything and change her mind but instead they were surprised by her skills and the delicious food that she


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