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Fashion and beauty in a commercial

Commentaire de texte : Fashion and beauty in a commercial. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Avril 2021  •  Commentaire de texte  •  284 Mots (2 Pages)  •  297 Vues

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1) How are fashion models pictured (represented) in this commercial?

The fashion models are represented as duplicates of Versace we can see it at  they have the same face,the same apearance. They are all wearning dresses they are also  tall , slim and young. Their hair is blond and long. They are compared to animals and puppets.

2)  What is the definition of "beauty" in this commercial?

The definition of beauty in this ad and that model must respect to beauty standards like being thin, tall, young, slim, looks like Versace. Beauty goes through control in the video we can see the models in a cage, a labyrinth or consider them as puppets and be obedient

3)  What impact may this video have on children or teenagers, especially girls?

The impacts that this video can have on children and teenagers and that they can be complex in relation to their physique but also the weight or the size. A physical obsession which can lead to illnesses such as anorexia or bulemia. It can lead to comparisons between them and creates a kind of competition. Which leads to critical so potentially bullying

4) Do you like or dislike this video? Why? Explain your point of view.

I don’t like this video because for me beauty has no rules. Beauty is subjective to everyone, it also passes through the personality of a person and not through his physique. I compare beauty to the actions of a person I look at his heart rather than his appearance. The real question is why we should follow rules dictated by people we do not know. I think everyone is beautiful whether tall or small, white or black, slim or embedded.


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