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Mémoire : FLAG OF INDIA. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Janvier 2020  •  Mémoire  •  551 Mots (3 Pages)  •  295 Vues

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Blue it is the color of azure, sky, oceans, rivers. It represents divine wisdom, truth, courage, the ability to fight evil, pure feelings.

Some of our deities are represented in popular imagery with blue skin, such as: Krishna, Rama, but also Kali and Shiva. Rama and Krishna protect the world and fight evil. It is also the color of Vishnu. Moreover, it also means that these deities have dark skin, blue color is a way to represent it.

In our dress: Blue is the color of the Shûdras (castes of farmers, craftsmen, weavers). But also the color of the sari of the fishermen's wives. It is a color that was avoided by the higher castes (the process of obtaining indigo being considered particularly unclean)

Red : Red is a color conducive to the realization of projects, it is the color of victory, of love. It is a beneficial color giving life. Red is one of the colors of Shakti, symbolizing energy. In ancient India, Vishnu, who represents divine love, was dressed in red. During the pûja and other ceremonies, a red tilak (dot) is affixed to the participants' foreheads.

In dress: The red color of the caste of the Kshatriyas (noble warriors). It augurs well it is also the traditional color of wedding saris. During cremation the women's body is wrapped in a red cloth.

Green  The primordials green waters giving life to Vishnu carrying the world is a green-faced turtle. The goddess of philosophy matter born from the sea of milk to the green body.

For Muslims in India, green is salvation. The patron saint of India's so-called Khidir is pictured sitting on a giant fish that generates rivers.

In dress: Green is a colour associated with festivities. For this reason, a widow will not wear green clothing. In the state of Maharashtra, green symbolizes life and joy.

Once the color of the caste of the Vaishya (merchants). Today, it is above all a sign of belonging to the Muslim community. Green saris are also worn in some tribes of India for marriage.

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he Svastika is often found in Buddhist temples. Some unenlightened minds may be surprised if not shocked. Yet whoever has any culture knows that this cross is as old as the world. Often called "swastika", because its four branches remind of gammas (third letter of the Greek alphabet) welded together, it is oriented to the right (clockwise) or to the left ( counterclockwise). Between these two forms some archaeologists have claimed to establish a difference in meaning of the utmost importance: the first being a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness, the second, on the contrary, being the attribute of the evil powers.

Om (ou Aum ॐ) est un des symboles les plus sacrés de l'hindouisme : il est utilisé comme préfixe et parfois suffixe aux mantras hindous. Il est considéré comme la vibration primitive divine de l'Univers qui représente toute existence ; ainsi : « La syllabe Om est Brahman.

Le tigre dans la culture rivalise avec le lion en tant que « roi des animaux » ou « roi de la jungle ». Symbole de la puissance et de la royauté en Inde et en Chine, le tigre est maintes fois présent dans la littérature, la peinture et la sculpture, ainsi qu'au cinéma et dans la bande dessinée.


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