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Espaces et échanges (document en anglais): dans quelle mesure l'immigration peut être considérée comme une forme d'échange?

Analyse sectorielle : Espaces et échanges (document en anglais): dans quelle mesure l'immigration peut être considérée comme une forme d'échange?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Mai 2015  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  453 Mots (2 Pages)  •  683 Vues

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- Spaces and exchanges :

The notion i’m going to deal with is spaces and exchanges

Briefly an exchange is an act or giving and reciving something else in return, it ca also be seen as a continual movement or circulation  different kind of exchanges : media, people,trade

To illustrate the notion , i’ve choosen to talk about immigration in the USA. We may wonder to what extend immigration may be considered as a form of exchange ?

Over the lasts decades the US-Mexico border has been a burning and a bated issue, it’s one of the longest broder in the world and also one of the busiest. Inded, it is become a strategic place for legal and illegal buisness. Well-known for the commercial exchanges and a attractive sector for drug dealing.

The border acts like a magnet for mexicans immigrants who dream of a better life in the USA. Parentling job offers are limited in Mexico and the standing of living are much lower than in the USA. Contrary to Mexico which is struck by unemployment and poverty, the USA appears as a land of opportunities as far as the job market is consered. That’s the reason why many destitute mexicans cross the border, wether legally or ilegaly.

When they moved to america hoping for better prospects they often offered menial and painful jobs which include low weiges. That is the paradoxe of the situation of the mexican immigrants they represents more than half of immigrants in the usa, and some americans aim at limiting that numbers oversview them as a cheap labour force. As a result, emigration is a highly controversal issue.

On the one hand the border is watched over by patrols or militia like the minute men who’s goal is to prevent illegal immigration even if it’s resulting to violence. They help patrols to catch and arrest them and ask for title border control in order to limit immigration.

On the over hand, Part of the American economy seems to be based on this unskilled workforce ready to enjoy difficult working conditions, and rustoral so they’re farm larbours. So once of those who are conviced that undocument immigrants are taking away jobs from america.

As a conclusion, we can say that even if mexican immi remains debated, it is indiscutablement a source of economic and cultural wealth for the usa. Never than less, the American Dream seems to look like more the Utopia than reality. The usa become more indulgent envers mexican immigrants, in fact, nowadays on the us tv, more and more show and ads offered a spanglish version and shows that the american population become a multicultural society. However, the latinos population in the usa is excpecting to triple over the next few years.


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