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Dissertation en anglais : Is a gap year the right choice for a French university student? Why or Why not

Dissertation : Dissertation en anglais : Is a gap year the right choice for a French university student? Why or Why not. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Mai 2020  •  Dissertation  •  258 Mots (2 Pages)  •  480 Vues

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To anwser this question, we should first consider the general advantages of a gap year. Generally speaking, the alumni who have done it see it as personal development opportunity. It is a really good occasion to think of their aspirations and ambitions in life but also of how they want to achieve them. Obvisously, this process of self-discovering implies questioning one’s passions, strength and weaknesses etc. Travelling in a foreign country seems to be a good way to do it as it can be quite challenging, particulary for those who choose to work in a country which they are not familiar with its language, history, or culture. If prepared carefully, these life experiences make the young people more mature (it’s a sort of « rite of passage » to adulthood), giving them some life perspective (as meeting and collaborating with new people can be very inspiring) and prepare them to thrive in their learning pathway but also in life.

In the second place, the french students should keep in mind that a sabbatical year is something which can be expensive, especially because it cannot be financed by some kinds of grants. For this reason, some students choose to become young au pair, that is to say that they have to do house maintenance and/or childmining in exchange for getting lodged and fed. All things considered, this doesn’t seem to be a big deal and more than, it seems beneficial. However, it is by and large to do this kind of deal under the supervision of a specialized organism.


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