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Dialogue espagnol

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Par   •  21 Janvier 2013  •  466 Mots (2 Pages)  •  951 Vues

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Pedro : Hola.

Jefe : Hola, siéntese.

Pedro : Soy Pedro, y he visto su oferta de empleo en periódico para trabajar en su empresa.

Jefe : Si, busco alguien para ejecer la profesion de informatico.

Pedro : Es mi curriculum, he hecho estudios de informatica en el instituto Camino en Barcelona, y me titulo.

Jefe : Vale, veo que usted ha hecho un buen trabajo, en todas las asignaturas usted tiene buenas notas. Usted tiene talento.

Pedro : Si, estoy motivado.

Jefe : Es lo que quiero.

Pedro : Me gustaria hacer una carrera en informatica, y su empresa me le permita.

Jefe : Pienso que usted corresponde a todos los criterios. Usted tiene la experienca para trabajar en mi empresa.

Pedro : Soy determinado para mi trabajo, me gustaria trabajar en su empresa. Si me contrata usted, seré un sueldo ?

Jefe : Si, es possible que usted sea un sueldo y usted gane dos mile euros mensual.

Pedro : Vale, me gustaria lograr.

(firman papeles...)

Jefe : Usted contrata. Bienvenido en mi empresa.

Pedro : Gracias, Soy muy contente. Se ve el lunes. Adios.

Jeje : Si, buen fin de semana. Adios.

here were only three flag designs adopted, with later, minor variants made to those designs, that served as the official national flags of the Confederate States of America and used during its existence from 1861 to 1865. Since the end of the American Civil War, personal and official use of Confederate flags, and of flags derived from these, has continued under some controversy

The state flags of Mississippi and Georgia are based on Confederate flags. The flag of North Carolina is based on the state's 1861 flag

First national flag (the Stars and Bars)

The first official national flag of the Confederacy, called the Stars and Bars, was flown from March 4, 1861, to May 1, 1863. Inspired by Austria's national flag, it was designed by Prussian ( with 7 stars )

Second national flag

Battle flag

The battle flag was use by the army of northern virginia. It was used in battle beginning in December 1861 until the fall of the Confederacy. The blue color on the saltire in the battle flag was navy blue, as opposed to the much lighter blue of the Naval Jack.The flag's stars represented the number of states in the Confederacy. The distance between the stars decreased as the number of states increased, reaching thirteen when the secessionist factions of Kentucky and Missouri joined in late 1861.At the First Battle of Manassas, the similarity between the Stars and Bars and the Stars and Stripes caused confusion and military problems.

The bonnie blue flag

Most famously, the "Bonnie Blue Flag" was


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