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Dialogue de théâtre en anglais

Lettre type : Dialogue de théâtre en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Mai 2017  •  Lettre type  •  329 Mots (2 Pages)  •  783 Vues

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BOURRIER Camille                                                                         TMSG1

Conversation between Superman and the firemen :

        Few days after the tragic event : 11th September 2001, Superman was walking in the street of New York City and glanced at the poster of Alex Ross “Covert artist”. There were different artists as police officer, fireman, nurses… Superman decided to discuss with a fireman.

After that Superman peeped at the poster, the superhero winced and wants do an inquiry.

Superman said: “Hum… why is not me on the poster but other “everyday” people?”

The fireman answered dryly and desperately.

He responded: “I don’t know if you were during the event here the event happened but I saw that you reacted like a child… Nothing serves to whine, have you known of the event?”

The superhero gaped at the question of the fireman and demanded shyly what happened and  the  consequences.

The firefighter replied: “ 11th September 2001, two terrorist attacks in the 2 towers of the World Trade Center occurred within few minutes… the consequences are that 6291 people are injured and 2973 are dead.”

Superman said: “I see… You were the savior of the people who occupied the towers, and you saved hundred lives with my colleagues. I find this action very grateful, so the other person saved lives too with you, it’s so beautiful!”

The firefighter explained proudly and felt his as a superhero.

He said: “My actions were courageous and proposed to Superman to do a memorial for the people who are dead and meet other everyday people who helped the victims.”

239 words.


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