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Dcf De Air France

Mémoires Gratuits : Dcf De Air France. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Janvier 2014  •  361 Mots (2 Pages)  •  826 Vues

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Here are our recommendations for Caferoma:

Repositioning the product Yes

We already know that the quality of the product is one of the major advantages of the brand. We suggest to change the packaging, it is a way to innovate and we think that it is a good thing to attract again the consumer. We can also consider changing the logo in order to redynamise the brand.

Pricing: NO

Reducing the price by 20%, will be a Hugh mistake. We consider that it will reduce our benefits but also the quality of the products. It will completely change the image of the brand and bring it to a Medium or low cost coffee. We can reduce the price for a period or offer reductions coupons.

Advertising: EVIDEMMENT

We provide a big communication campaign using all the medias (press, TV, social network). There will be a strong message based on the quality, the know-how and the italien style. The purpose of this campaign is to play on the idea that tradition feat well with modernity, and that Caferoma is the symbol for that.

We can also organize a contest on the social network to attract young people.

Multiple-brands: yes

We think that Caferoma has to stay on the luxurious segment, but we can create a new one “CF”. Cheaper, this coffee have a better value for money and is a little bit closer from the competitors. The brand image has to be preserved and based on the product quality; the target will be different: young people, young couples … it is coffee for people who can’t afford a luxurious product but love quality.

Own brand label products: yes

We don’t recommend this strategy. We think that it doesn’t bring any value to our products or on our brand image.

A new product: yes

It can be a really good idea. We can sell coffee arriving from all around the world, the idea is: Travel with caferoma’s.

It can create the effect of freshness about coffee sellers and attract customers.

Stretching the brand: yes

We think that it can be a good idea. We can create mugs and cups under our brand. It can be a good way to change our brand image.


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