- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Comment les événements ou les personnages de votre livre vous rappellent-ils quelque chose dans votre propre vie? (document en anglais)

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Comment les événements ou les personnages de votre livre vous rappellent-ils quelque chose dans votre propre vie? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Octobre 2014  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  345 Mots (2 Pages)  •  823 Vues

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Question 1: How did the events or characters in your book remind you of something in your own life?

The main character, Holden, is a teenager who has a lot of difficulty with changes just like me. In addition, Holden and I, we like to be told where we should go. We want to know what will happen. We like to be guided in life: we like to know what people want from us. We don't like having to guess what they expect from us.

Question 2: How did the story make you feel?

Through the characters, through the emotions, I found myself very much. Not just in Holden or in a particular character, but everywhere through the events. By reading this book, some events shocked me, but I felt especially understood by other people of my age. The story made me realize several things about life....

Question 3: Write a 3-4 line biography for one of the main characters of your book.

Holden is the narrator of the novel, he is an intelligent and sensitive guy. He is a teenager who refuses to grow up because he doesn't want the responsibilities that come with and that are why he struggles to remain childish. He wonders if someone will guide him to the right direction, or if he has to do it alone. In life, the only things he really want to be it's the Catcher in the Rye. In other word,Holden wants to be the person to save the children before they fall out of their innocent knowledge into the repulsive world of adults. Her little sister, Phoebe, is the only person alive that he seems to actually love throughout the novel. She tries to push him to do better. Holden can’t accept the responsibilities and consequences that come with growing up, so to avoid the painfulness of maturing. He finds the adult world perverted and repulsive, but doesn't realize that he is slowly growing into this world. Its inability to negotiate with the success emotionally destroyed him and brings him to the psychiatric center...


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