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Art and Power : How can British social movie influence society? (LLCE)

Synthèse : Art and Power : How can British social movie influence society? (LLCE). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mai 2021  •  Synthèse  •  529 Mots (3 Pages)  •  476 Vues

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ROZBORSKI Tatiana        1ERE2        11/03/2021

Art can be depicted as anything as it is a non-concrete idea, it is up to anyone meaning of what is it.
All along my written expression, I will present the double aspect of what art, and by art I will take the example of the cinema, can do, firstly, such as to entertain then, secondly, to denounce.

Do you think that art should be useful and try to change society, or do you think that art is just meant to entertain?

  1. Art, only an entertainment?

In this first part, I will introduce art only as something that entertain.
Most of the movies and series weren’t created with an ulterior motive to bring reflexion and self-questioning to the spectators on the world’s issues, to be impactful or influential about the society’s flaws. They are in fact, most of times, a way to escape the reality of life.

However, it doesn’t dismiss the fact that a few of fictional artworks that, at first sight, only mean to be fictively entertaining can hide behind little details an exposure of the real life, like a subtle “attention” sign. They can relate at some extent and show struggles of the reality as in “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” by Mark Herman or “Black Mirror” by Charlie Brooker which can still be as entertaining but now relevant as engaged ones which have the purpose of truly depicting real life, maybe in a more dramatic way (it still fictional cinema) but yet quite percussive for the public to be concerned on some issues of the society showing off the dark history of humankind, the still unspoken present and the dystopic future that would maybe come along.

  1. Art, a power

In the second part, I will present art as a pillar of influences and changes.
Art in all of its form is a power that gives a voice to the powerless ones which means, for this particular example of the social realist cinema, a way to criticize our society without any embellishments of the truth.
As examples, realistic movies as “I, Daniel Blake”, “Philomena”, “KES”, “This is England”, “My Beautiful Laundrette” are art pieces that were used by such directors as Ken Loach, Shane Meadows, Stephen Frears, to the very purpose of bringing up a spotlight on the truth of life, on flaws of the society’s past, present and soon future.

Besides, as said in the first part but in the other way round, we can find entertainment in realistic movies, eyes and mind-opening masterpieces which means the more people will get entertained/concerned, the more well-known those works will become, the more attention will be draw on the dark spots of the world and thus a possibility of reactions and actions from the spectators to change the world, to fix the issues.

Conclusion: My opinion on this subject is that art is a very useful and appreciated way to denounce but it doesn’t mean that it has to have the very and only purpose of changing the world. Art can just be something really simple without any motive behind it and yet, that we can still enjoy.


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