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Antigone trial proceedings

Étude de cas : Antigone trial proceedings. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Mai 2017  •  Étude de cas  •  562 Mots (3 Pages)  •  863 Vues

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MS. Singer

English 30S

10 /05/2017

        On this work (Antigone trial proceedings) I’m fall in the défense. Defend Creon it’s a little bit to be like the devil’s advocate, but it’s a good goal because it’s a challenge. Why ? Because everybody think that it is fault. I think we was a good défense group, so it was easy to work.

 Now let’s get to the heart of the matter . in this case, nobody’s all black or white, everyone of this case are grey. Start with Antigone, Antigone break the laws to bury his brother , Creon learn that Antigone did this and he punishes it . It may seem a bit cruel and radical but when you think about it, Creon is a new king, it has not yet proved it’s worth and the people do not know it well. If he had let go of it, he would pass for a weak king who can be manipulated, so he had no choice but to punish her. In addition it must not be forgetten that it is vain, egocentric… so it must be very looking at the image it gives of him. Now if we look Heamon , we can just say that he is a stupid guy because he knows suicide by « love » for a woman who has even preferred to commit suicide for her brother without even thinking of her fiance. So one can cleary say that it is not the fault of Creon. Eurydice this suicide for an indirect cause that is none other than «  his son is stupid ». And now you know how have a perfect collective suicide. So no i don’t think that Creon’s fault if all of this people died.  


        Our strategy was to prove that if they are all dead is that it is destiny and that if the divinities had wanted to make them return to life it could very well have done it. We have good argument so everyting shoud be ok.


Work Page

Wikins, john, matthew macleod, and Sophocles, Sophocles : Antigone&Oeudipus the king : a companion to the penguin translation of robert Flagles . Bristol Cloassical Press, 1987. Print.


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