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Anglais: étude du chapitre 14 du roman le troisième homme de Graham Greene

Commentaires Composés : Anglais: étude du chapitre 14 du roman le troisième homme de Graham Greene. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Mai 2013  •  217 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 055 Vues

English: the third man chapter 14

It is Sunday and Martins goes to the Russian zone to talk to Kurtz, because it seems that he is the only one that can get him a meeting with Harry Lime. But he hadn't warn Kurtz of his visit.

There is a strange athmosphere in this part Vienna. Not many people were in the streets.

Martins has the paper that allow him to move freely trough all the zones of Vienna with him.

As Kurtz open the door and sees Martins, he looks perplexed and surprised. It is bizzar for Martins to see Kurtz without a toupée and suddenly it dawns on him that if the accident wasn't authentic, maybe the toupée was a way of hiding himself. Martins goes straight to the point and tells Kurtz that he has to pass Lime on to meet him by the big Wheel. Kurtz doesn't add anything to this. Suddenly sb clears his throat: it is Dr Wrinkler who is in the kitchen. ( during the first visit, dr wrinklers seemed to be a manniac person and here the kitchen is dirty). While waiting for Harry, Martins wonders if it is really Lime who will show up and if he's alive etc.

But the his questions are answered as Lime keeps up whistling his tune.


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